I thought I would upload some still pictures of the 2014 REI Novara Ponderosa cracked aluminum frame. The bike only came with a 1 year satisfaction guarantee, so the frame is not under any type of warranty. Whether or not REI will replace or fix the frame remains to be seen. I haven’t had a chance to take the bicycle to a REI store to have the frame evaluated for product defect by one of their bicycle service technicians. I paid $1000 for this bicycle. If you spend this much money on a bicycle make sure your getting a warranty on the frame. If the manufacturer doesn’t give at least a 5 year warranty on the frame, than go to another manufacturer. Its ridiculous that you can walk into a Walmart and spend $250 and get mountain bike with a 4 year protection plan, in writing, and not have to worry about this sort of thing.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.